Electronic Hardware & PCB Design Review Service

Over the recent years, creating an Electronic Design has been greatly simplified with the availability of many helpful tools & resources on the Internet that a beginner can refer to. Chip manufacturers offer reference designs or application schematics which are very helpful in designing a piece of electronic hardware. But it comes with many pitfalls & inherent errors which an inexperienced designer will be naive about. TronicsZone can help companies & individuals recognize errors in their designs at an early stage to help avoid drastic consequences of such an occurence.

PCB design review

How exactly does a Hardware Design Review Service help?

  1. TronicsZone & its experts have over 21 years of experience in Electronics Design & Development of some of the most complex Electronic Products in the areas of Medical, Industrial, Commercial, Aerospace & Defense applications. Our services are generally in very high demand due to our success rates & “First time right” design approach. Take advantage of our rich experience in getting your electronic designs reviewed to spot any potential problems which could cause field failures and/or undesirable malfunctions. Our design review service can give you the confidence to take your product forward.
  2. Read TronicsZone’s customer reviews to understand why utilizing our experience can be so helpful for your next hardware design. Using our expertise can make your products as successful as it has been to our customers talking about it in the above link!
  3. With the ease of creating hardware & lack of experience allows for errors to creep in with equal ease that go unnoticed to the untrained eye or beginners. TronicsZone’s experts can serve as a much-needed additional set of trained eyes in spotting common & hard to find errors to give you a faster success & faster time to market.
  4. Our reviews come with full report which includes all the mistakes/pitfalls founds, improvements that can be made and the possible remedies/suggestions for you to carry out.
  5. Our review services are low-cost & affordable making it within the reach even for startups that work under constrained budgets.

TronicsZone’s design review service can be broadly broken down into following categories which themselves can be used as standalone services. These services come highly recommended for hardware based startups or startups having some kind of hardware design involved as they generally lack the resources that have enough experience & expertise to come up with a robust and reliable error-free electronic design.

Schematic Review Service

TronicsZone will go over your schematic & component datasheets in detail to ensure that all the interconnections are done logically. We will perform electrical checks, signal flow checks, signal compatibility between various blocks to ensure your schematic is electrically correct & functional as per your requirements. TronicsZone can also optionally review your component selection to suggest better alternatives if any.

PCB Design Review Service

TronicsZone will review your PCB to ensure that the components are placed correctly, and that the layout is done correctly. We can spot any issues in the PCB design which can lead to potential problems when the board is manufactured. We check for things like power routing, placement of critical parts at correct locations, sensitive signal routing checks, proper compartmentalization, analog/digital separation, safety isolation etc. We can also perform Design for Manufacturability (DFM) & Design for Testability (DFT) checks.

EMI/EMC & Safety standards readiness checks

If you are designing a serious product, it is important that it incorporates all the EMI/EMC design & safety provisions to ensure that it is EMI/EMC/Safety compliant when put to test. TronicsZone, with its tremendous expertise can review your design files to look at common EMI/EMC/Safety related problems in the designed product and can come up with suitable suggestions to remedy it. This is also crucial for the robustness of the product and to prevent early field failures.

EMI/EMC & product safety compliance is mandatory for the product to be marketed in most countries. With our review services, your product can get a high chance of passing the certifications quickly or in most cases with just a few minor changes.


TronicsZone will treat all your design files as strictly confidential for our internal review purposes only and it will not be disclosed to any 3rd parties without your approval.

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