Please use our Request Quote form for business inquiries so we have all the initial information needed to provide you with a faster response.

Beware of Impersonations & Fake profiles

It has come to our notice that fake profiles are being created by some persons in the name & address of our company TronicsZone (on Olx, Bikayi, Whatsapp etc). They are exploiting the popularity of our company & defrauding people on the pretext of selling consumer electronic equipment (like gaming consoles, games, cameras etc). Please be wary of such fraudulent people falsely representing our company. We do not sell any consumer electronic items like gaming consoles, games, cameras etc. on any such classified/websites or online selling platforms. We are only providing engineering design & manufacturing services mainly to business customers. TronicsZone only accepts payments in company name & we do not accept any payments in personal names or via UPI. We only use official email IDs ( for all official communications. So if you are dealing with such fake profiles (on olx, bikayi etc) you will be doing so at your own risk and TronicsZone will not be responsible for any losses.

PS: Cyber crime police complaint has been already registered from our side.


Please use our Request Quote Form for design/services related inquiries.

India Tel:
(10:30am to 5pm India time)

USA Tel: +1-628-2511077 (USA PDT timezone)

TronicsZone office

#75, 1st Floor, 1st Cross, Chiranjeevi Layout,Kempapura, Hebbal,
Bangalore 560024, INDIA

Note: Prior appointment needed for visits

TronicsZone provides services to customers from across the world including USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Australia etc.

Opening hour: 9:30am
Closing hour: 6:30pm
Open: Monday-Saturday

© Copyright 2003-2025 TronicsZone. All rights reserved.